Invited Talks

[2024] Invited speaker "A Foray into a Personal World of YouTube: Exploring Dialectics Between Attention and Affordances," presented as part of the Weapons of Mass Distraction Conference at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 15, 2024.

[2022] Keynote Speaker, "Lip Syncing as Music Learning on/with YouTube," Mayday Group Colloquium 33: Social Media for Good or Evil in Music Learning, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, June 9, 2022.

[2021] Invited speaker, "High Tech, Low Tech, and No Tech: Reimagine Belonging around Digital Spaces," Studio Forward Groundwork Sessions, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, California, June 24, 2021.

[2021] Invited speaker, Sabbatical Presentation, presented at California College of the Arts, March 4, 2021.

[2019] Invited speaker, “Social Forms of Reciprocity in the Digital Era,” presented at the London School of Economics, Digital Ethnography Collective, November 11, 2019.

[2019] Invited speaker, “YouTube and Participatory Cultures,” presented at the Graduate Seminar in Fandom, Participatory Cultures, and Web 2.0, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, Henry Jenkins, instructor, September 16, 2019.

[2019] Invited speaker, “YouTube and Media Literacy: Patterns of Consumption and Production,” presented at the Media Literacy Workshop, Communication & Media Studies, Butler University, April 30, 2019.

[2019] Invited speaker, “Is Ranting Ever a Good Idea?,” presented at the Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) Series, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, January 22, 2019. A video of the talk is posted

[2018] Invited speaker, “Is Ranting Ever a Good Idea?,” presented at the Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) Series, Stanford University, Stanford, California, June 14, 2018. A video of the talk is posted

[2018] Invited speaker, Recently Tenured Faculty, California College of the Arts, February 27, 2018.

[2016] Invited speaker, “Viewed from a Different Angle: Exploring Anthropological Concepts Through the Lens of YouTube,” Visual & Critical Studies Forum, California College of the Arts, November 30, 2016.

[2014] Invited speaker, “Evaluating Techno-Aesthetics in Video: Demystifying the Aesthetic Gap between Amateurs and Professionals,” presented at the Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) Series, Stanford University, Stanford, California, October 9, 2014.

[2014] Invited speaker, “Is Age Just a Number? How Kids Broadcast Technical Identities Through Video Sharing,” presented at the YouTube Tech Talk Series, YouTube Headquarters, San Bruno, California, June 4, 2014.

[2014] Invited speaker, “Portals to the Posthuman: Meeting Up, Making Friends, and Mediating Our Digital Legacies” presented to the Seminar on the Anthropology of Popular Culture (presentation and film excerpts), Instructor, Tok Thompson, Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, April 2, 2014.

[2012] Invited speaker, “Responses to Rants: Perceptions of Entertainment or Civic Engagement?” presented at the Civic Paths graduate research colloquium, at The Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, October 31, 2012.

[2011] Keynote speaker, “Reticulated Civic Engagement: Invitations, Obstacles and Passionate Participation,” Transforming Audiences 3 Conference, University of Westminster, London, September 2, 2011.

[2010] Invited speaker, “
Kids on YouTube: Prospects for Civic Engagement,” presented at the Annenberg Research Seminar, The Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, October 11, 2010.

[2010] Invited speaker, “Ranting on YouTube: Analysis of a Genre,” Department of Anthropology Discourse Lab, University of California, Los Angeles, June 2, 2010.

[2008] Invited speaker, “Teaching Tech Talk: How Online Participants Negotiate Cultural Parameters,” Interdisciplinary Humanities Center’s Research Focus Group on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization, University of California, Santa Barbara, August 18, 2008.

[2008] Invited speaker, “Illuminating Journeys: The Voyage Out and the Voyage In,” presented at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, January, 30, 2008.

[2007] Invited speaker, “Articulating Social Networks Through Video Sharing,” Digital Imaging Forum, Invited Lecture Program, Kodak Gallery, Eastman Kodak Company, Emeryville, California, July 31, 2007.

[2007] Invited speaker, “The Fractalization of the Public and Private on YouTube,” Annenberg Center for Communication, University of Southern California, April 19, 2007.

[2006] Invited speaker, “Analyzing Online Tech Talk: Implications for Design Research,” Palo Alto Research Center, May 18, 2006.

[2006] Invited speaker, “Social Effects of Tech Talk on Open Source Information Exchange,” the Institute for the Future’s lunchtime seminar series (LOTT: Lunch on the ‘Tute), February 9, 2006.

[2005] Invited speaker, “Studying Social Dynamics Online: How Tech Talk Encourages and Discourages Open Source Community Development,” Sun Microsystems’ Human Interface Technology Series, July 27, 2005.

[2004] Invited speaker, Professor Miyako Inoue’s undergraduate anthropology course on Language and Culture, Stanford University, April 19, 2004.

[2004] Invited speaker, Department of Linguistics’ weekly sociolinguistic meeting on social consequences of identity displays in conversation, Stanford University, April 15, 2004.

[1995] Invited speaker on technical evaluation and ethnographic research activities for Professor Peter Van Arsdale’s graduate course in Systems and Policy Analysis at the University of Denver, May 12, 1995.

[1994] Invited speaker, “Portable Computing and Ethnographic Methods in Medical Environments,” at the IEEE Computer Society’s Meeting, Stanford, California, June 1994.